I have a confession to make.
I'm actually an alien from the planet Draxon.
It's about two galaxies away, third on the right.
I arrived here maybe seven thousand years ago. Yes, long story.
I've been observing you as you go about your day, and I've gotten pretty good at it.
I love human-watching.
But it's time for me to share some of my learnings with you now.
Here are ten observations about living on Earth that humans may enjoy:
The only truth is no truth.
As such, all the stress you have about this or that would instantly be gone were you to see that it can always be seen through a different lens.
Only in silence can you hear the Universe whisper.
I don't know about you, but the only intelligence I know comes from the Universe speaking directly to me.
We are trained how to do this at a very young age on Draxon.
You will struggle to connect with the Universal voice when you turn up the volume, either through the voice or the chatter you allow to erupt in the theatre of your mind.
Silence speaks volumes.
Difference is to be celebrated.
Your latest 'progressive' trend towards homogenising humanity is perplexing to me.
Trying to make everyone the same is inherently un-progressive.
And you confirm it yourselves.
All I see in your refusal to embrace difference is sadness.
Solitude is not isolation.
On Draxon, a few millennia back, I remember our monthly ritual.
We called it 'Encouraged Solitude,' where we'd send one of us out on a little floating cosmic island for months at a time.
For what purpose?
Mind enrichment and creative sparking.
On Earth, this would be seen as a form of torture.
There are so many merits to sporadic solitude. You're only missing a trick by turning your back on it.
Impermanence is your constant.
Many of you tighten up physically in the face of transient change. You sincerely want things to remain as they are.
This is humorous to me because this is to wish things were as they cannot possibly be.
Love impermanence and you will enjoy true freedom.
Focus requires you to stop focusing.
Many spend their lives trying to be more focused. But this just makes you more stressed, and you inevitably lose focus.
You must learn to embrace chaos and discomfort.
The most focused people don't focus. They let go.
Time is only relevant to space travel.
As you approach the speed of light, time will slow down for you relative to someone who is stationary.
But this need only concern you if you plan to design the next Interstellar spacecraft.
Linear time on Earth is an illusion.
There is no past and no future.
You thinking this is so distracts you from your brilliance in the beauty of the right now.
Relationships always suffer in your need for ownership.
You make this mistake over and over again.
We are all one.
As such, you drop a wrench in the cosmic order by acting like another human is your possession.
The most magnetic relationships spring out of a spirit of what there is to learn, not what is to be enforced.
If you enjoyed this, I have plenty more lessons I can share thanks to my many years of observation. It's nice for me to have this outlet.
Let me know down below what you thought, how you might take action, and if you want to hear more.
P.S - I’m running a live group cohort on powerful and creative writing that will grow your online personal brand in the next few weeks. Join the waiting list to stay updated and get early bird bonuses.
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I'd love to hear more about your alien life. How can I reach the alien in me?
Love this playful post!
I enjoy the concept of embracing chaos.
Particularly, when creating an art piece, it can be freeing and productive when we allow ourselves to loosen up, enjoy the unpredictability, and find our way through the chaos.