Hi Alex: I like your topic and the angles with which you cover it. Growing up with amorphous boundaries to get along with prickly, challenged parents, your description of boundaries as having edges is sticking like velcro. I would like to add something to your comments about complexity. I see that simplicity is often a virtue to prize, reflective of deep integrity and a deeper layer of truth. However, in developing ourselves, the context of your piece, complexity can reflect a new level of functioning one is moving into, at the edge of one's comfort zone. Let's not make the mistake of making complexity a thing that shouldn't be desirable at all. If I may say so, I think we had a president recently like that. And I find it in the tone of social media pundits. - Thank you for your edifying piece.

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Einstein may have said, "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler."

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yes indeed he did - a great guide

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I agree with all this - great addition Phebe!

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Enjoying your articles, Alex. The simplicity piece, around not making things unnecessarily hard for yourself, particularly resonates in this one. Thank you!

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Thank you Morgan!

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You keep at it Alex . Much wisdom in your comments and crickey what energy . Sunshine and and joy to you my friend.

Best wishes Robert

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thank you my friend Robert!

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This is mind opening! I've been blind to things I should've paid attention to in the beginning. Thanks for sharing!

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Another great post. After reading your post and looking honestly at myself I can see improvements, thank you.

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thanks Jon!

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