Totally agree - I've started doing watercolours at the wkd, away from writing songs or practising piano, or soon out in the garden digging! it's good to diversify with creativity

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love it!

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Honestly, getting out and doing my art has been wonderful for me. I wasn't doing it with my own deadlines, so I applied to art markets to start selling. My main goal isn't selling, but the markets gives me the right pressure to keep making art. I've also found a wonderful community of artists along the way. It's greatly enhanced my pleasures in life as well as given me a community outside of work.

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Love to hear that Ada - that's a great route

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Endorse that practice. Each individual's life should have space to indulge in activities which one enjoys doing, simply for the pleasure arising from it - no pressures about output or time scales.

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So true! After years - ok decade plus - of being nudged by my dad to do this, I launched a new writing project on Instagram day before yesterday called “3-thirds” which is centered around celebrating an individual’s sense of a fuller life. As opposed to the societal configurations of one built on outcomes, this version is about adjusting around individual priorities and preferences in different phases of life. I figured the spring equinox was a good time to begin. I’ve committed to 202 daily posts to start off with. After the very first day, I felt exhilarated - the work frustrations around writing (which is my creative house) were just not getting to me. Because I had put something out there. I’m two days in and even got to learn something new through one of the comments that feeds into my very delayed book manuscript. Also, I feel greater patience already with my loved ones - the frustrations I’d bring into my personal life after work are now curiosities about life. Earlier I couldn’t have agreed more with you on this; since starting this project I could not be feeling the resonance more. To side projects that nurture us and our creativity and enrich our lives!

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