In name of execution or action, thinking has gotten such a bad name. We need to spend more time thinking on what we want to do, ho we do it etc. we need to reduce overthinking not thinking.
True geniuses spend a lot of thinking not overthinking. There is a difference.
I agree with Alex, in that, we don’t need to spend time overthinking or even thinking at all about the how.
Once we “think” and decide the What and Why, the how will unfold and take care of itself.
you got it Vern!
Do not agree with the 2nd point.
In name of execution or action, thinking has gotten such a bad name. We need to spend more time thinking on what we want to do, ho we do it etc. we need to reduce overthinking not thinking.
True geniuses spend a lot of thinking not overthinking. There is a difference.
good for you Sky!