The point about NO hit home. I'm also wondering- how can we say NO in a way that is less hurtful to others?

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Alex I’m using every single one of your resources atm. It’s helping. Thank you. My situation is critical atm and if I get through it , it will be partly due to you. ❤️. Linda.

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May 15, 2023Liked by Alex Mathers

This is such a good post. It’s filled with nuggets of wisdom that really resonate with me, genius stuff. Thank you.

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May 15, 2023Liked by Alex Mathers

💬 (#3) Yes, learning from others who’ve made mistakes is helpful, but after a point, you need to...

...start making your own 😇

Dr Jessica Rose, a decorated covid wars heroine, helpfully instructs on further course ↓↓

🗨 You know what happens when you persist? The answer is: you might succeed.

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Thanks for all this wisdom! I’m definitely working on the ‘being okay with not feeling’. Not being okay with feeling shitty has definitely led to a ton of poor decisions during my short time on this planet!

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