Really enjoyed this. I've been searching for a community to join, haven't found a good fit yet but I know I will.

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Apr 19·edited Apr 20Liked by Alex Mathers

Alex, great analysis on situation and advices on reduce loneliness. I would add "Learn to talk to strangers" as a way to reduce loneliness. This will draw some new and interesting people into one life and improve one’s social skills as well. It is very hard to feel lonely when you can talk to whoever you want whenever you want. Greetings from Vilnius.

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Great thought provoking piece. Liking to be alone is a cultural phenomenon, recognizing that no matter where in the world, every one needs some down and arguably alone time (not my mom though, or most older moms in India if you ask them, LOL). When I go back and forth between India and US—I have lived an equal number of years in both countries—I am startled at how much more lonely (knowing difference between alone and lonely) and less community oriented America can be compared to Eastern cultures. I like my alone time, but I do believe minus my concerted efforts to take walks with friends and stay in touch with folks, it can get lonely here. That could be cultural, since my core years growing up were in India.That sense of community—how much ever I see it here—does not compare to the one in India because it’s an individualistic culture here in the US as opposed to a community-oriented culture in India. Folks are in each other’s business a lot more in Eastern cultures, there’s more folks walking up and down the road (geography plays a role as there are more people and less ground space). It’s overall a complex issue—family ties play a large role too. Societies that have stronger family presence, both physically around you and emotionally available, have fewer people who are alone and lonely.

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Apr 19Liked by Alex Mathers

Hi Alex, thanks for covering this topic. I'm edging toward the end of putting a piece together that covers my take on how we got here. It's a super interesting topic because of the subjective dynamic of loneliness. That said, there's no smoke without fire. It's a real issue that needs addressing on all levels. Hopefully the suggestions of your post help a few people.

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Apr 19Liked by Alex Mathers

Another great one, Alex. Alone time can be special. Reading, listening to records, writing? It really is a luxury that is free. It all depends on perspective. I cherish my alone time. I think feeling lonely is a natural emotion which when viewed as a motivator can be very productive and helpful.

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