Sitemap - 2022 - Untethered Mind

My most popular tweets of 2022 and a thank you

Does being mindful mean we need to sacrifice our productivity and momentum?

The science of self-sabotage, and exactly how to get out of our own way

Why understanding the ‘mind/tension connection’ will drastically reduce your anxiety and improve your life

What angry people with laptops teach us about finding the easy way in a frustrating world

No, you don’t need to have gone through hardship to be happy

7 ways to start next year with an advantage 99% of people won't have

You don’t need more information. You need the courage to act.

Society has ignored this one piece of ancient wisdom, but it could obliterate most mental health struggles

This one behaviour will attract most people to you:

Why the 'commitment mindset' will change your life

6 Thinking Styles that Transform You Into a Relaxed Badass

The 7 habits of the most energised people I know

8 secret psychology mantras that make you a money magnet

Would you join Untethered Mind community coaching?

Why you must follow your Instinct, not your thoughts

8 weird little hacks that instantly make you more socially confident

Do these five things if your life lacks excitement:

8 habits of the most chill people I know

7 habits of the most surprisingly creative people

8 outrageous life hacks that make you more confident than 95.7% of people.

12 simple daily tasks that will energise and simplify your life dramatically

15 tiny ideas that quickly drain stress from your life

7 filthy little secrets that will turn you into a fearless badass overnight

8 outrageous tips that will save you time so you reach your goals 5x fast

11 simple behaviours that make others want to listen to you

The 8 fundamental habits of the calmest people (short film)

11 hacks that make you instantly immune from giving an F about what others think

9 super fun and simple ideas that ensure you don’t become weak, docile and scared

Why thinking we have a 'self' to protect is the cause of all our suffering

The 6 traits of people who are unapologetically themselves

The 9 laws of success you never heard of

VideoCast: The power of understanding the difference between surface-level feelings and underlying feelings

5 simple tips that help you quickly stop doubting yourself

If anger controls you, you need to read this

8 small habits that make you respect yourself effortlessly

Stop doing this one thing, and your life purpose will come to you effortlessly

24 things I’d tell my younger, anxious self about feeling empowered

7 small steps that will reduce your anxiety by over 90% in 24 hours

12 unique questions to ask yourself for a powerful journaling session that will change your life

15 quick questions that make you laser-focused so your productivity quadruples

9 little life hacks that will instantly turn your frustration into excitement

Everything gets better when you stop working on yourself and start working on your craft

These 8 unique habits will keep you motivated as F

4 things you need to know if you think you’re lazy

The 8 subtle behaviours blocking you from massive success

If you’re worried about money, read this:

The 8 traits of the most surprisingly fearless people

8 subtle behaviours blocking you from massive success

12 life-changing things I learned doing confidence drills in public

Untethered Writer Launches today

If you get discouraged, watch this...

The 7 habits that separate high achievers from the average Jack

People-pleasing will hurt you with tiny cuts. Do this instead.

How to become immune to the fear of online rejection and lost followers

5 habits of people who just don’t seem to care what others think

You will never find purpose because purpose is created.

8 simple ways to rekindle your spark, if you’ve been feeling flat

8 tiny creative habits that will lead to massive results

6 immature decisions that can (drastically) sabotage your progress

How to let go of 'important' thoughts that make you anxious

Why trying to be impressive diminishes you

8 quick tips to help you become so consistent you make people blush

The 7 fundamental habits of the calmest people

8 innocent mistakes that keep you stressed and anxious

5 unusual secrets of the happiest people

7 traits shared by people who don’t grow bitter as they get older

Stop stressing and do this instead....

You can't outwork someone who is enjoying themselves...

Is ‘business’ an illusion? Here’s how it is, and why labels make it harder

5 things you must know if you want to be a creativity machine

Why having any expectations of others makes you miserable

The 8 simple habits of ridiculously determined people

The 7 secrets of people who seem to have all the ‘luck’ in biz and money-making

Coming soon